Just a few short weeks after its global unveil, Samsung is launching the Galaxy Note 8 in India. The Galaxy S8 series was very well-received in the country, and there's a healthy interest in the Galaxy Note line as well. As a reminder, the Galaxy Note 8 shares a similar design aesthetic as the Galaxy S8, with the phone sporting a slightly larger 6.3-inch Infinity Display with a resolution of 2960 x 1440. Samsung makes the best AMOLED panels, and the display on the Note 8 is incredible. The Note 8 is powered by the Exynos 8895 in India, and comes with 6GB of RAM, 64GB storage, microSD slot, IP68 dust and water resistance, Wi-Fi ac, Bluetooth 5.0, USB-C 3.1, iris scanner, and a 3300mAh battery with fast charging and wireless charging. A new feature to make its way to the Note 8 is dual cameras at the back. The phone has two 12MP cameras — a primary f/1.7 sensor that acts as a wide-angle lens augmented by an f/2.4 telephoto lens that offers 2x optical zoom. Both...
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