The Korea Herald and the news portal Naver said today purporting to reveal the release date of Samsung’s Next Big Thing. According to the Korea Herald, Samsung is planning to introduce the Galaxy Note 8 “in the third or fourth week of August.” Like the Note 7 before it, the new S Pen device will reportedly make its debut in New York.
Citing an unnamed Samsung official, Naver ventures a specific date: August 26, give or take a couple of days.
Samsung initially planned to launch the new Note at IFA in the first week of September, according to the Korea Herald. The impending arrival of rival devices from LG and especially Apple might have prompted Samsung to bring up the big release.
For reference, the Note 7 was announced on August 2 last year. Reports that surfaced after the phone was recalled due to faulty batteries suggested Samsung rushed the device to market in order to outshine Apple.
Almost every flagship release from Samsung from the last few years has been preceded by rumors claiming Samsung was accelerating release schedules in order to beat competitors to the mark. In several cases, the rumors turned out to be off the mark.
The Galaxy Note 8 is just two months away, but there’s another Note coming even sooner. Expect the Note FE (as in “Fan Edition,” not “Formerly Explosive”) in the first week of July.
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